
By middleman


Weird kind of day. Morning spent sleeping and feeling generally unwell, the afternoon perking up and getting out and about a bit, catching up with jobs and errands and the like, the evening spent with a very pleasant trip out to the park with the girls. Now that is something that is usually a treat, but something that should be a lot more commonplace now there are no more school nights for a while. It was great, loved it.

Couple of new albums arrived in the post today. Both very different, the afore-mentioned 'Hash Bar Loops' by Deepchord and the new one from Rachel Evans AKA The Motion Sickness Of Time Travel. Those nice folk at her record company even include a CD copy of the album (with extra tracks to boot!) along with the standard vinyl. Everyone should at least include a download code for mp3s or summat with their vinyl by now surely, it's the way forward, makes it so much easier to get the music onto your ipod or whatever for music on-the-move. So in appreciation of those Tulsans here's a track from 'Luminaries'.

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