Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Admiralty Arch

There are few compensations to working at the weekend, other than the fact that I can drive into town. Ironically, it takes me as long in the car as it does on the train but at least I can travel in my own space. It is a nice route too, going through Earl's Court, Chelsea and Westminster. Honestly, I get quite hysterical at all the things of which I could take pictures! When it comes to it, I'll probably shuffle off this mortal coil, murmuring: 'Pass me my camera, just one more building........'

This is Admiralty Arch, at the top end of Whitehall. I think this part of the building is occupied by the Cabinet Office. I am intrigued by the lights on at the top - who would live here? Whoever it is, they are lucky! You can't get more central.

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