On hearing a big noise, I run outside,
NOOOOOOO I yell, Noooooooooo,
hands over my ears,
I throw the bucket,
I don't like big noises,
but those builders over the wall wouldn't stop,
it didn't take me long to get distracted though,
when I discover this strange thing attached to me,
How have I not seen this before,
I wave it at mummy,
I inspect it closely, I lick it,
I peer at it, I waggle it round,
my face a picture of puzzlement,
What on ... Oh hang on a min
I remember now,
what do they call it again,
oh yes Its my foot,
I look at mummy, yell FOOOOOOOT,
waggle it at her more,
to make sure she gets it,
I have a foot, Mamamama foot...
hang on I have 2, that's even better,
Now that is sorted and the mystery solved,
I drop it down, yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
and run back indoors hiding from the big noises outside!

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