Gentle Saturdays

20months 12 days

I love our Saturdays. When it's just Katie and I, we have a few little "habits" that we do most times, and then time to do whatever our whim fancies. Today was quite an early start (515) but Katie has really done well with the sleeping through - six nights out of the last 7, so I'll compromise on her waking early.

After a good few hours to play, we went to the play cafe to see our Saturday Friends, Ollie and Chloe. Katie was first there and pleased to see the others when they arrived. She ate 3 sittings of breakfast today - 2 at home and one a the cafe.

We set of late morning so she could sleep before her swimming lesson. She was on excellent form for that today, and really off. Swimming with no bands, walking along the pool floor, splashing and so many smiles. It was a lovely time, although the lesson itself was a bit naff compared to our usual teacher.

After swimming, we stop for a few bits normally, and get a bit more lunch (Katie always troughs as she dries off from swimming). We'd decided we'd go see the cows in the common land after town, so when Katie was given a balloon in town, she was determined she wanted "cows see ballalala". Balloon is one of the few words she pronounces in her own unique way!

So we took the balloon and the Katie and went to see the cows. And indeed show them she did, until it caught on a thistle and popped. She handled it well. "balloon all gone" she said, picking the pieces up and trying to wander nearer to the cows. We had a walk looking at the other cows, each one getting a wave hello, then a long goodbye as we left. I took her for an ice cream, and she sat underneath the tree the whole time it took to eat it, and to eat mummy's cone too.

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