Tram Shed

All this talk of Edinburgh Trams, it's really starting to do my head in. Stupid amounts of money are being discussed (upto £773 million). No way did the old tram lines cost that amount when most cities had them 100 years ago.

True, things have moved on, but being Scottish and therefore cynical, i find it hard to believe that no one is taking the p1$$. Someones making a very hefty profit, and surely there must have been a cheaper way of doing it, like dare i say modern apprenticeships and the council constructing the whole thing with experts brought in as needed.

I'm grateful i live in the country and Perth Council wouldn't have such fanciful ideas that will cost millions in interest for 30 years to repay the debt.

This is a shot of one of the old tram sheds still in existence in Dundee. We were doing something nearby today and i though it topical enough to be my blip for today. I've seen the modern metal monstrosity they are building out at Gogar in Edinburgh, and no way it will look as good or interesting as this in 100 years time.


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