a town called E.

By Eej

Hamilton, Holland & Volendam

I did feel better this morning, good enough for a roadtrip anyway.
We stopped at the Hamilton Trestle Park (I think) because I love this bridge/waterflow combination. tWas a little too late for good light and it was already hot and humid. We'll have to back when there's clouds and such to see if I can get at least one photo without sun flare. Go me. And wellies so I can wade closer to the middle.

Onwards to Holland where I amused myself by saying all the Dutch names out loud. I'm easily entertained like that. Although, half a town with the same last name does get a little boring after a while, even for me: "De Boer!", "De Boer!", "De Boer", "De Boer!" and so on ...

We could hear the announcers at the Dutch Village making poor innocent people honorary clog-dancers so I smirked in their general direction and went into the store to buy 'dropjes'. The girl at the register had an accent you could cut glass with. I recognized that accent. It was mine!
"You sound Dutch!" I said. She nodded. Well, that's my cue, obviously.
So, we spoke Dutch for a bit. She told me she studies tourism and is doing a three month internship. Oh, irony: she had told her teacher that whatever happened, she wanted an internship outside of the Netherlands. And she ended up in Holland. In a store that sells Dutch goodies to tourists who think everyone in the Netherlands dresses in folklore and wears wooden shoes.
And the best thing (this is likely only funny for Dutchies): she is from Volendam. Her great-grandmother got married wearing the kind of folklore the girl wears in the store. We laughed. She asked me if I get homesick. "Yep", I said, "but dropjes help." She pointed at the Beloved: "And you have him." "Yep", I said, "that helps too."

Back home through winding roads with lake views, and a big ice cream to top it all off.

And now, I might nap :)

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