Monkey see, monkey do

Since we were meeting friends for dinner, we thought we'd go back to the climbing wall. Ewan was keen to go back and Ellen wanted to try it. She had no understanding of what it was except it involved climbing and she's a girl who likes to climb. She only had a couple of wee climbs - not so high that I couldn't just pluck her off the wall and put her down rather than try to teach her to walk or bounce down. The staff member's trick of putting a toy monkey on one of the holds and sending her to get it worked a treat. She stopped thinking about the climbing and focused on getting the toy. The only trouble with it was that she broke down and wailed when she didn't get to keep the monkey.

Nice dinner that finished with Ellen dancing in the street and then her and Anthony running around and hugging. This was while Ewan ran down the street hoping to repeat his trick of finding £1 in a parking meter.

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