In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Seems like a long time

This recently erected statue of King Robert the Bruce, is so long overdue, it is almost a crime. Without him Aberdeen might not be what it is now. The 14th century king, had a palace in, what is now the Merchant Quarter, and loved the city and it's people much that he bequeathed a lot of the land around the city to the city, and the money raised from them is called the common good fund, which the city still has in the bank, They are not allowed to use it in the normal council spending. Only for the good of the common folk. Some of that money paid for the statue if him holding the proclamation if the freedom marches, as the lands are called. Most of the boundary stones still exist today.
We have a statue to Robert Burns, who didn't like the city, one to William Wallace, who was never in the city and one of Lord Byron who was educated here, but why has it taken 800 years to honour our mentor?

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