fovea centralis

By fovea

summer storm

maybe? the clouds are back in the sky today. I love watching the clouds move and puff-up and change shape. its like being there at the birth of a storm. the clouds are still in the developing process and maybe they won't amount to anything, but it is interesting to watch it all take shape.

My Dad taught us (my brother and I) how to vaporize clouds when we were very little. It was the coolest thing when I was a kid. We would stare at little cloud and squint and make it vaporize. The little cloud was most likely already disassociating into molecules anyway; we just caught it at the right time. And before our young eyes, the cloud would disappear.

I was a bit disappointed when I read the book Illusions by Richard Bach years later only to discover that my Dad didn't invent this power, but borrowed it from a book. However, I guess we all borrow ideas from each other and books are a great source. What an imagination. A great imagination is a must to entertain kids and yourself for that matter.

some clouds i shot last month.


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