Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

The Power of One

Today was yet another day of unpacking and also helping (in the loosest of terms) Matt build a fence to keep Jess and Baxter in the back garden. Every day we get closer and closer to getting things sorted out, one day we may finally actually get there. Poor Mrs O she is busy at work all week and then spends her two days off sorting out the house.
I made this image after a battle with just how I was going to go about getting a blip, I wonder if anyone out there has any idea just what it is of. it wasn?t till I looked at it on the screen that something touched a nerve...

It got me thinking...........

We all go through life with a goal in mind but often meandering on in between the stops on the way. We drift here and there at times but always inside us and in our lives we have this strong backbone or spine supporting our every decision, leading us on towards what awaits us.
This may be a person or persons that support us unconditionally or it may be the belief structure that is built into us from our parents, past or present. In each of us it will be different. Without this we are nothing, like a tree without a trunk.
I am so glad that I am blessed in this area.

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