
By Fi

37,000 Feet

Very good flights from London to Munich and Munich to Beijing - wish I could be as complimentary about a certain member of Lufthansa staff on the ground in Germany though. Grrr.... This calming shot was taken after take off from Munich!

Watched 'Juno' and Grey's Anatomy (never seen that before - looked goooood!) Got 3 or 4 hours shut-eye and before I knew it breakfast was being served. We landed at the mahoosive, gleaming, working, civilised, calm and peaceful new terminal at Beijing International, that opened about a month ago. I wonder if T5 will ever make it!

Straight to my apartment, which is ok. Internet connection works and appears to be free so that's a bonus. Had a couple of hours' sleep and am just about to head out for supper and to meet some other people from work.

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