
By AmyPhillianna

Basking time!

Hmm.. This is a lot of progress...
When I started giving him little treats, he would take it and go to a secret place to have it..
he would come back for more once in a while into my patio and sneak through the glass door..
Later he would come in a few steps into my apartment and look at me as if asking for his treat..
Then he started being comfortable when i am around and does his thing.. like goofing around, dining right in my patio, drinking in his own special bowl in my patio etc.,
My little friend started basking in my patio and the flower pot is his sun tan bed. He feels cozy in that pot. You can see him relaxed and making himself HOME!
He is not a captive.. He is not a pet from local petco store..
He is my friend!!! :)
I am sooooo happy that the little guy trusts me so much around him..

My Yesterdays Blip!

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