The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Gracefully Donkey-ish

I promise, at some point I will get a flattering shot of Miss Molly, as hopefully one day she'll actually stick her ears forward and smile rather than stare at me in such obvious disgust. Here she is posing in full battle gear (against the flies) and looking highly relieved that horses do not need to care about their appearances!

Hot day today, and yes I know... I have some serious backblipping to do! There are a load of gaps that sadly can't be filled because I slipped up a bit with my daily photo rituals, though I do try my best to remember :/

We'll see how it goes in the next few weeks, hopefully I can whack up my glasto shots from last weekend :)

p.s. Molly's leg has healed up quite nicely since this happened... Though it does look like someone has sketched a cross-hatch of white lines up the inside of her leg... Hopefully the hair will grow back around them so they'll be less visible. Will maybe get a picture in the next few days to show you all...

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