tuck away

Fortunately I had a couple of spare shots after deciding that the multiple-frame photoshoppery I had originally intended was going to take too long. I was up in the loft retrieving camping-equipment for next weekend and left my latest coffee on the bit of wood pictured for over an hour, returning to find it still drinkably warm in the unpleasant heat. Most of the insides of the boxes I was looking through were nice and cool, tucked in the shelves against the bricks between us and next door. It's these little details which prevent me getting too paranoid about everything getting too warm and bursting into flame during the summer; I tend to leave the landing-hatch open all the time so that there's a bit of airflow but can't leave the loft skylight open all day as things might come in, even with the bit of white-painted hardboard propped against the inside of the window to try and keep the interior shady. If we ever get round to installing more insulation against the diagonal bits they'd help prevent heat from the sun hitting the slates getting to the inside of the roof surface but might also allow an extremely hot layer to build up between the slates and inner insulation layer.

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