Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


Last night, when going into the garage, I heard an ominous scrabbling sound. Called the other half to bring the cats, and sure enough, whoosh...a mouse skitters across the garage floor.

Scrabble, scrabble noise still next to me, and then whoomph! A cat grabs a mouse, and promptly suffocates it. The other cat is, meanwhile, trying to find the original mouse. Killercat had to be put outside as he was being very possessive and also looking rather convinced he should bring the carcass into the house (likely under my damned bed!).

This was what was left outside the front door as I left for work this morning.

Clever cat!

Now for those other mice...surely if I SAW 2, there's another 20 somewhere in there.

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