Sarah Shepard Photography


Bubba's Garage.

One of our favorite things to do here is browse thrift stores and junk shops. Today we went to my favorite place, Bubba's. He's the coolest old guy, loves to talk about old books and records, and walks around his giant shop smoking and arbitrarily rearranging his junk all day. My kind of people.

While Maria was browsing some lamps, Andrea and I were pretty involved in these drawers full of medical slides, taken from the home of a doctor after he died. (I have a big thing for slide film, because I use a lot of them in my work.) I even bought a handful of slides for three dollars, mostly just colorful images of cells under a microscope. However, some of the slides were really creepy and hard to look at, and we had to sort through hundreds of those to find the ones worth keeping. I'll spare you the details.

I doubt we even got through a tenth of them, so I may go back tomorrow.

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