
By dark

Pollen Galaxy

Not a Dogwood Puddle Pic (I don't think there are any dogwoods in the vicinity of this puddle), but a Pollen Puddle Pic, at any rate.

Had a hard time choosing between this and the color version, but Shade preferred the B&W, and, really, when did I ever turn down the chance to post a B&W?

Another (Van Gogh-ish) pollen shot here.

It's been unrelentingly cold the last few days - a bit surprising to me to see all this pollen already starting to fall, but I guess it's about time. Atlanta will be completely yellow in a few weeks. Don't even think about coming through here if you have allergies.

edit: Hmmmm... just looked at the front page - this makes a terrible thumbnail. Not going to draw in any casual passersby with this one, I'm afraid. C'est la vie.

edit2: Okay, putting up the color version for MissRAble. I also turned it - I like the color version this way round (didn't think of it until this morning). Original B&W version is here. The original color link above still goes to the unturned version, for comparison.

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