michigan man

By outdoorguy

Da Fourth

The 4th of July...Independence Day in the United States. Pancake breakfasts. Parades. Chicken dinners behind the Community Center. Free sno-cones. Free watermelon. Free bottled water. (we like anything FREEEE.) Kids with little bags to hold the candy handouts. Craft show. Pony rides. Little league teams. Politicians...in office or running for office. Cops on motorcycles. LOUD FIRE TRUCKS!!!

We participate in all of these things...all dressed in RED-WHITE-and-BLUE. The louder the better. And...as you can see...we even dress up our doggies. The weather was hot, hot, hot today. About 82-83 at parade time. The marching dogs, both big and small, were walking with their tongues out. I thought this little "Taco-Bell" dog was cute. I think she thought she was, too.

The parade started at 10:00 a.m. We decided to leave our house at 9;45...using some of my mailman "sense" to get a "secret" parking spot. Big mistake. "WHO GAVE AWAY ALL OF MY SECRETS?" "WHERE DID ALL THESE PEOPLE COME FROM?"

We are going to learn from our parade mistake before going to the fireworks tonight. They start about 10:00 p.m. We are going to leave at 8:30. We always debate whether to go or stay home. 5 minutes to get there...35-40 minutes of fireworks...An hour to get home. Is it all worth it just to say..."OOOOHHH and AAAAHHH?"

I wish we could give our chihauhau a shot to put her out for the night. She hates the noise and the loud bangs. She runs for cover when the first M-80 explodes.

Da Fourth...I do love to see the enthusiasm of the masses... the red, white, and blue. But...for the sake of my dog...I'm glad it only comes once a year.

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