Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Unexpected find

Despite the walking ban I snuck out on a little stroll with N this evening. We were both dressed for the weather: cropped trousers and bare arms. We decided to take a wander to the mass of wild raspberries that we'd found and see how they were coming along. We weren't intending to pick any, merely assess the site and return later.

The first batch weren't even blushing pink, still hard nobbles unlike fruit. Something we hadn't expected however was the swathes of nettles, chest high that had grown up around the raspberries in some sort of sibiotic relationship. Further up the hill we spied a few jewels of pink, they weren't very deep in, we could just trample the nettles and goose grass to get them. Well we found ourselves trapsing further and further in to the painful, nettle jungle but we were rewarded with 1 1/2 lbs of delicious wild raspberries. Needless to say though my arms and legs are suffering and even the slightest graze of anything over the skin feels like being stung again.

On the way home I stopped to blip this little rowing boat, once it lived up to its name but then they gave it a paint job.

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