
20months 14 days

LOTS of fun today! We went to tea and toast first. I got cuddles with little teeny baby Rose and also got to do some portraits as her mum asked me if I happened to have my camera (like she had to ask!) She is a beautiful little one. We had a nice play with Emma, Harrison etc.

After tea and toast, Harrison/Aiden's mum and I + our kids + Emma all went to their house. We took it in turns pushing the triple buggy up the hill. Its such a beast. We made a picnic and all sat at the table - all 4 children sat really nicely at the picnic bench. Katie was more interested in going to play with the immense collection of garden toys before long though!

Once everyone was fed, watered, changed etc, it was time for first use of their pool for the year! The heater had been on so it was just right warmth, and they had a lot of fun. Katie was bouncing, splashing, swimming, dunking herself underwater and swimming along. All the children decided I should be the target of the water squirters, then Katie was hurling the jug of water over herself. Lots of giggles, smiles and fun.

She didnt last as long as she would sometimes before getting out and playing with the garden stuff again - but before very long, she began to fall asleep on her feet, so I'm not surprised she'd stopped swimming! I put her down in Harrison's room- she took a quick look around and curled up in the Buzz Lightyear duvet fast asleep!

I got her up and she ate a huge bowl of dried fruit, snacks and such. They had a play all together before Katie presented me with my shoes and then got her own. Play date over!

PS this is SOOC.

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