Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Run / Bike / Walk Ride

I asked my son today if he wanted to ride his bike around the neighborhood with me while I jogged. Huge smile said, "YES!". So I've never attempted the bike while jogging since I don't particularly like to jog. But it was a beautiful day and the last thing I wanted to do was jump on the treadmill at the gym.

So off we went. He had to ride his bike pretty slow. I did get some good sprints in when I told him he could ride faster. It was hot outside. He followed direction really well. I'm still not comfortable with the cars. They are far and few between but are still a factor. We had a great time together. We made one huge loop and headed back home.

I told him that we should pour water over our heads when we got out in the backyard. He wasn't down with that but he loved being the one to take the picture of me soaking my head with ice water. This was a funny moment. This blip is super edited to give it an abstract high contrast type of look. But I wanted the emphasis to be on the splash of water so that explains the dark background on such a bright and shining day. A good day for an abstract. A great day for a jog / bike / walk.

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