Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

4th Of July

Today on our Nation's Day of Independence our family celebrated by doing absolutely nothing and it felt great! We relaxed most of the day and then Gary went out to our local fireworks stand and bought the boys a box of fireworks. In the evening we made blue cheeseburgers, spicy spaghetti salad and watermelon. Yum! Then it was time to play with of the very things I'm most uneasy about each year. AMATEURS with explosives scare me...and the neighbors on our street just proved why I am uneasy about. They purchased a bunch of illegal fireworks and set them off way too close to our large tree in the front yard. I was afraid my house was going to light on fire. My nerves got the best of me, and when we were done with our own fireworks, I had to go inside. Not just due to the loudness and fire hazard, but because it seemed every hoodlum around came to our neighborhood and also decided to use colorful language around our children. I just don't understand the lack of respect individuals can have around families...especially in my own front yard. It was a real downer. Hopefully next year we'll plan better and go see a show...but I'm hoping the boys will only remember the family time we had. I chose this blip photo because I like the silhouettes of my family. :)

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