my corner of the world

By Vic

Piano practice!

Two weeks until the dreaded Grade 4 piano exam. Jasmine has discovered she needs to practise. Hopefully she's not too late. Stress levels are high and lots of screaming and shouting in frustration in between the beautiful playing. She has an immense ability for a 12 year old. Unfortunately she knows best about how and when to practise. Obviously her dad who is a professional musician and teacher knows nothing! Tone-deaf-me knows absolutely nothing other than at this stage 5 minute sessions will not achieve a pass!

Thank you for your lovely comments yesterday. My brother is in good spirit and waiting for his next appointment to continue investigations into what's wrong with him. My best friend in hospital is awaiting test results from a lumber puncture but is improving. My other friend is nearly at the end of chemotherapy in this round and seems to be coping ok.

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