
By Frontier

Spark to Flames

When an idea sparks the mind, it sets off a flame and with the fuel of motivation, inspiration and steadfastness, it becomes a fire. This energy is in the form of many things, its existence an influence to another and to another. Unbeknownst to many sometimes, the smallest action can have the biggest repercussions.

Even the most common of objects exude this energy. An apple proved to be very "fruitful". These objects were also made through the inspiration of others, even if it was filtered through a number of vessels.

When I feel down or when I'm stuck in a pocket of ponder, time will pass and the realisation of serendipity will overcome. Everyone is as common as the air, yet each person plays an important part.

My sister and I would jokingly snort, "We are but players in the game of life." And as hilarious as it sounds, I suppose it bares some truth. I know she's going to scoff at this, but she wouldn't be my wonderful sister had she not.

Nonetheless, there is energy that runs through us in some form that pushes us forward.

The light is in our hands.

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