Just looking..

By ccleeve

Ahhh that feels good!

I think my little boy is teething. He's been chewing on anything he can put in his mouth for the past couple of weeks. Today I gave him this toy which vibrates and buzzes when he bites down on the antennae. The look of sheer relief when he discovered that was priceless. He kept biting down and when I asked if it felt good he turned and gave me a half smile - while continuing to bite - nearly captured here.

A couple of days ago someone asked if I was counting down the weeks until I return to work. I certainly wasn't, but that got me thinking... it must be about six weeks. Today I decided to count them and was pleased to discover that it's actually eight weeks. I haven't missed working at all. I never thought I was cut out to be a stay at home Mum, but I will be sad to return to the office and leave my little one during the day come September. In an ideal world I'd be at home with him until he goes to school. I just love his company more and more every day.

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