
By TeeJay

Dream a little

I took a group of students to Christchurch yesterday so that they could go to University Open Day today. While they were in lectures I took a wander around campus - a nostalgia trip for me, as its only 8 years since I graduated from there myself.

I found this piece of grafitti on a wall in the fine arts area and it really took my fancy. Then I spent the rest of today thinking up songs that use the word dream.

Driving home to Murchison tonight, through torrential rain and heavy snow, as my students played modern stuff on the stereo in the back of the van, I hummed annoying 'dream' songs to myself. Grrrr.

I really needed members of my family with me so we could have played the song game - where we choose a subject and take turns singing songs on that subject - usually things like colours or girls names - but this time the subject is 'dream' guys.

Backblipped yesterdays drive through Central Canterbury

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