just allan

By allan

Bus Stop Drop

Raindrops on a London Road bus stop window, Edinburgh. Things to notice:
1. It's 3.10pm and there's lights on. In July.
2. That's my bus.
3. It's stopped at the other bus stop.
4. You can see the bus upside down in the raindrops. How lovely.
5. Oh, arse! I'm at the wrong bus stop!

I made it.

I was fairly dry too, thanks to getting a lift from Security Bob who's lass lives along London Road. We walked out to the carpark griping about idiot management (talking about great management would be nice but... well.) when the heavens opened. Thunder and lightning too, very dramatic. And wet. But I was in a car so, ha!

Home now with the children for the weekend. Lots more dodging raindrops I expect ;)

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