Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

A Few Of My Favourite Things.....Part 4

I think I am on my fourth one but it could be fifth!

My boys are my favourite things! Mr G, Caspins and Stanley Banley.

My gorgeous NEW camera came today and my mission was a family portrait!!

MMMMMmmmmm......easier said than done. I am still getting to grips with it and also the pups attention span was minimal so this kind of sums up the evening. It wasn't helped by the G&Ts I consumed with the mother-in-law.I tell you, she is a bad influence.

Off on my hollibobs tomorrow lunch time. I will miss my three boys but I am soooo looking forward to a good lie in the sun.

I will miss my Blip though. Back Blips to follow gang..........see you Thursday x x x x x

You must see Molly I nearly peed my pants when I saw this!

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