
By notabeve

Dig In!


Stellaria sp. are edible and taste like spinach! That must be the vegetable equivalent for "Tastes like chicken." I've tried it in salads but it's never become a habit even though I have lots of it. It's devilishly hard to wash for one thing and usually entwined around something else; the lawn, my "Blue Clips" campanula, strawberries or sow thistle. As seen here.

I dug in last night at T's back door. Hoe, sieve, bucket and high octane bug repellent to the ready I cleared about ninety square feet of the stuff. And with huge satisfaction dumped it into the back alley dumpster. Spinach my eye!

My back quit and dark arrived so that was it. But in a few days I hope to blip the new flowerbed, all constructed of half price Canadian Tire bedding plants. I'm betting I'll see chickweed in there within a week. Although my hopes are raised because I got it out before its flowers even opened this year. According to the web one plant can produce 2000 seeds per year. And, found along the search; check this out for entrepreneurship.

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