No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Studio stars...

After purchasing a voucher through one of these 'deals' websites ages ago for a large wall-mounted MDF photoblock, we only realised yesterday that the voucher was due to expire tomorrow!

So this morning, after getting the kids bathed and looking all tidy and clean, we hastily set up a 'studio' in the back room using some white bedsheets and a couple of clothes-horses! It did the job (kind-of) and out of over a hundred shots of the kids I got about three or four decent ones! Order now submitted online... and relax!

I have already put my request in for a proper studio-style background for my Christmas (it was on my want-list last Christmas too), although I could also do with some lighting too, B?!! :-)

Off to my mum & dad's now for a BBQ (very optimistic)....

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