Nell's World

By nell2803

Making Whoopie

What can I say. Must be the sunshine.

Took some photos this morning. I was reasonably happy with them but decided not to publish any 'just in case' something with blip potential happened later in the day.

We have started to empty the cupboards in the kitchen in anticipation of the building work starting so took some boxes to my in-laws who will store stuff in their spare room. We were going to go for a drink (soft) and try to take some street shots but due to the good weather everyone seemed to have headed for the Loch shore and parking was impossible.

When we got back we had a coffee in the garden and I noticed the bugs on the astrantia. Got my camera and while hubby cut the grass I took some shots.

Think I can safely say I am pleased with this.

Hope you are all enjoying some good weather.

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