
By crystaltips

Would you Adam & Eve it ???

365 consecutive Blips !!

Blinking heck BB what did you start?
This is not me, but it was taken at work and of course I asked the question....' what are you up to?'.

1 year later & I'm still loving the challenge, some days are better than others (like my blips); some days the blip is sorted early & without any hassle, other days you think you have it then are so glad you haven't uploaded because you get another/better shot & sometimes it's getting to the pumpkin hour and you are relying on an emergency blip.

My only regret is not always having the time to comment on the fab, intriguing, funny, beautiful, thought-provoking, sad & sometimes downright ridiculous glimpses of others' lives that appear here. So I thank all of you that make the effort to comment on mine.

I had great plans for scouring Edinburgh to get a door number 365 - but the thunder and lightening put a stop to that. Luckily I found this whilst sorting out my sewing box ( a good rainy day activity)

I still have a 'BlipBank' full of things I'd like to share so will be around awhile longer ;-)


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