The Workshop

Today was workshop day at the Ormeau Baths Gallery in Belfast. It was very interesting to see the various "takes" of the students on shooting in the style of Hannah Starkey. This was my effort and it would probably take a 3000 word essay to explain my interpretation of her picture that inspired me most, and what i was trying to achieve in this one. These three models/actors posed for the students. Suffice to say, it was an interesting day in good company, including fellow Twitterer and Blipper, JMPhoto, and friend Chad.

I also had a chance to wander about town again this morning and I also paid a visit to St George's Market.

Here are a few of my runners up:

Will I Win?

The Enigma

Lonely Dancer

The Monkfish

We're having a three generation boys night in this evening. The most exciting bit is that I changed Kieran's nappy for the first time, but there's pizza too!

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