Furnace Lass

By furnacelass


A return to the warm summer weather today. We decided to stay closer to home as we had a young visitor who had travelled quite a distance to stay with us for a week and she had had enough of travelling in cars for today.

We went to Auchendrain a bout 2 miles from Furnace and 14 miles from Inveraray. It is "an extraordinary attraction, which brings a historic farming village back to life. On entering the Township visitors step back in time to witness how the local community lived, worked and played. The original village buildings are furnished and give a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the people who once lived and worked at Auchindrain. " ( quote from the Auchindrain website- very accurate)

Today we had an open day with the local farmers shearing the sheep the old way with hand held shears , spinning demonstrations , waulking the tweed with a gaelic singing group and dry stone dyke building.

Our young friend joined in everything and had great fun. So also did a fellow blipper who had a go at shearing the sheep much to the consternation of the older farmer, who began to relax when he saw the " Snapper" knew what she was doing and made a grand job of it. Well done blipper!!!

Any way as young people do , our young friend while enjoying all Auchendrain had to offer also made her own fun , runningand jumping from rocks etc. gave me an opportunity to get another shot for Momentum.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

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