Reisis Pieces

By ReisisPieces


It's inevitable that with 3 children the majority of my photos will include at least one of them. Miracle of miracles I actually managed to get them all to sit still long enough to grab a shot of them all together! Ok, so Maddy's expression is a little weird, but never mind - I'm not aiming for perfect photos, just something that captures the moment - and let's face it, we're all a little weird sometimes :-)

Family is important.

This next week is gonna be a tough one, but it's family, and especially my children, that will get me through and keep me smiling. My mum would have been 68 on Wednesday, but she passed away suddenly a few months ago. I have days when I feel so down I don't know how i'll cope without her, but again it's seeing my children smile and laugh, and give me (much needed!) hugs that keeps me going.

But nevermind the sadness for now (i'm sure there'll be plenty of that later in the week). Today was a great day, filled with family. My kids visited their grandad, played with their cousins, then we spent time with other cousins making hand and foot prints (paint aplenty) and generally having fun. Good times. Lots of laughs.

Yep, family is important.

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