The Chaos Bros

By vik

Bug Hunters

After all the minibeast fun The Bros had last week , Bros 1&2 have been after one of the big sweep nets.

A bit of online hunting discovered this, make you own sweep net .

Bro1 got set to work sawing an old broom handle then twisting thick garden wire (no wire coathangers to be found), while I selected some old pillowcases and dug out a needle and thread.

Less than an hour later we had a sweep net and the best bit, it was free!

They couldn't get in the car fast enough to get to Gaddon Loch. We went yesterday but the chance to put this new high tech bit of kit to good use meant they were out the door in record time. Unfortunately they only took themselves and the sweep net so they were then sent back for their waterproofs and nature spotter books and then we headed out.

Frogs, toads, grasshoppers, damselflies, butterflies, bees, ladybirds and all manner of little bugs were closely examined and marvelled at.

I am now off to make a few more nets because the only downside of the morning was that I only had one net but numerous impatient boys...

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