Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Red Admiral

I am not a fan of butterflies if I am honest...a little phobic

I would NEVER go willingly to a Butterfly House, imagine all those spindly legs, feelers and flappy wings <shudders>

I feely all squirly at the very thought.

This is such a sorry specimen, I think the rain we had yesterday has done for it...I can't say I am that sad though, in my opinion anything with that many legs is Up.To.No.Good and is just waiting for some freak radiation leak and a random evolutionary leap to take its place as Overlords of The Earth and we shall all be bug minions.

A bit like Planet of the Apes but flappier.

Don't say you were not warned.

Oh and I backblipped for yesterday, do go and look it was a fabulous day....and no insights at all into the darker crevices of my mind.

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