It Started Down Under

By dirk


This morning we first drove off to the scrapheap from Van Raak in Tilburg to get rid of lots of materials that we picked up yesterday evening at the Fontys Tilburg. I forgot to mention it yesterday, but just when I though we were finished for the day, we got another assignment that had to be finished that day. It took us 2 more hours.

While throwing chairs and tables on this garbage heap I must have overstretched some muscle in my shoulder, because I am still feeling pain when lifting heavy things; not a very convenient handicap when working as a mover.

This was the longest day I worked so far. We started at 7.30 and I was finished at 20.35. During this entire day I had about 30 minutes of breaks and that's it. We had to move some stuff for the University of Tilburg conference room before the end of the weekend.

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