days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Day 21 - To France

Back-blipped - it's the 10th July and I'm sitting in a hotel room in Santillana del Mar, and the Tour de France has gone to hell in a handcart. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for drama and excitement, but this year's race has been crazy. Two accidents involving press vehicles? Stupid and crazy. Unfortunately the tone was set on day one in an unbelievable act of stupidity by a spectator standing on the road causing a huge pile-up that seems to have put Contador out of contention. And now Wiggo is out, in another accident. At least Cav is still clocking up stage wins...

Ok, rant over for the moment, back to the blip.

Friday - not an eventful day, just a shortish drive to the Landes coast of France. To a sandy campsite in a pine forest near the sea. Near the 'village' of Vieux Boucau, where we had pizzas in one of the many eating establishments, set among gift shops, where families could wander, aimlessly making their way from gift shop to eating establishment to gift shop... Maybe I was just tired, but I wasn't getting a good vibe.

I almost forgot to take a blip; luckily I got this just before the sun set on the dunes. A nice touch of colour I think.

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