Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy


I am entering a photo competition on Saturday and one of the ten categories is "Aspects of Lelant". Lelant is a village full of mostly posh houses built between a tidal estuary that is green and slimy when the tide is out and a main road full of cars. There are some lovely dunes and a beach but this overlaps with other categories so I'm having trouble with this one.

Everyone is bound to use the pub, the church, the golf course, their posh gardens etc so as a lifelong nonconformist I wanted to do something different.

This is the best shot I have managed to get of the estuary but I still don't like it very much.

I think in the end I am going to enter the grave from the churchyard I blipped yesterday. I have a feeling the Judge wont get it but I just cant bring myself to entering a twee picture of a church.

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