my corner of the world

By Vic

Mmmmmm dinner!

Meet Trevor!
Trevor has just met and conquered his dinner (which was already dead but don't tell him cos he thinks he's really clever! They're not the brightest of species)! He is in the coil position before he swallows it.

Trevor is a Californian Corn snake. Trevor is 4 years old now (and has lived with us since he looked like a worm at 30 days old). He is a great because I'm not allergic to him and he is as gentle as ...a very gentle thing! Some would say dopey but that's my kind of snake. I didn't want a snake but my husband who has brought up a few came home with one one day! It got rid of my fear of snakes and I must admit I'm quite fond of the little chap!

Been a hard day today so I'll just leave you with our Trevor.

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