Definitely Visible

By allieballie

There's A Goose Loose ....

Part of the new sculpture at Junction 6 on the M90.

"Welcome to Kinross" it says as three geese fly overhead. The sculpture is by David Wilson and is made of copper and stainless steel. It also apparently cost £35,000.

I'm a big fan of public art and for the record I do like this sculpture, but £35,000? That's quite a bit more than my annual salary as a teacher. I want to be a sculptor!! Gonna let me try?! Go on - I could do it! Gis' A Job!

I liked this photo until... I saw the smidgeon of fence that I hadn't realised was in the bottom left corner. And now my eye just keeps being drawn to it. Guess wee details like this are why I don't earn a £35,000 wage!

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