Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

Back to the "film" future

This is the Mamiya RZ67 Pro IID medium format camera I've rented for a little while to try it out.

It takes FILM (remember that?) on a roll with 10 shots. It has manual film winding, manual focus, manual f-stop and manual shutter speed setting (unless you use the metered prism viewfinder, which I have on the camera - but then you still need to set the f-stop by hand!)

My very first camera was a Zenit 35mm. It had all that manual stuff too, but it DID make you think about what you were shooting, why and how.

Apparently, It produces fantastic images and is used by the likes of Annie Lebovitz et al, so while I don't think I'll be up to her standard, it will be a change from the Nikon D700 I'm currently using.

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