
I went to the beach, after too long a time away, on a cold and raw wet day but it still does so much to restore my soul. It was the first trip with the new camera. I found a few little beach treasures to bring home...a perfectly round ball of a stone, an oblong sliver of a stone, a perfect white shell, and a broken striped shell. I was crouched down low at the water's edge photographing some piers when I heard a loud "whoosh!" to my right. I turned immediately to see 30+ geese taking off in a swarm. I snapped quickly without time to frame or plan and I was super pleased with the one shot I got off. Just then, I was completely blindsided by the fastest running Nevis-style dog who sped by me with only inches to spare. He was apparently the reason for the geese's rapid takeoff. He was on a mission to chase them even though they were far out over the water and he was running faster than any dog I have ever seen!

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