Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness


100 laughs
100 cries
100 tears
100 lies
100 faiths
100 nights
100 days
100 fights
100 fears
100 words
100 calls
100 birds
100 shames
100 blames
100 fames
100 names
100 books
100 shoes
100 bills
100 blues
100 hats
100 keys
100 notes
100 Seas
100 tests
100 smiles
100 songs
100 miles
100 shots
100 blips
100 drinks
100 sips
100 meals
100 lives
100 stings
100 hives
100 friends
100 hugs
100 dragons
100 bugs
100 phones
100 drawers
100 lips
100 stores
100 thoughts
100 minds
100 brains
100 blinds
100 laughs
100 cries
100 tears
100 lies
100 faiths
100 nights
100 days
100 sights
and all of them are worth it

i'd like to give some blip credit to my brother, because i used his camera lenses, and his camera to take the picture

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