Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

Day 1_Self Portrait

Walk the talk. I am encouraging my photogroup to engage in self-taught photography until the group comes up with a common time. I also realized that my attention span is depleting; I need to 'self-teach' myself again on how to regain my focus. Thus, here I am challenging myself if I will be able to sustain this 30-day-photo challenge. I thought Blipfoto has a daily task on it but apparently there isn't any. I am itching to leave the office the moment it strikes 5:00. Earlier as the clock points to the quarter before time I googled extra faster for an online challenge. And here it is - some random 30-day challenge.

As I ran through the lists of tasks I noticed that the first is the least of my favorite subjects - self portrait. Maybe I lack confidence, and maybe I feel insecure seeing my peers who have gone beyond their way to transformation. Yada-yada.. Here I am again, challenging and contradicting myself, in the verge of starting nothing. So, I let go. Enough of self-corrective acts, enough of procrastination.

Presenting Day 1 Challenge: Self Portrait.

It took me several tries to get a sharper shot of myself with the help of a tripod, of course. But with the lack of light (though, I already pulled aside the window curtain and even tried to open the CR door and turned on the light) I already got impatient to figure out a more appealing output. I tried putting on some flash, but my amateur settings wouldn't give my face a better hue; I looked flushed with light and even a little gray. I tried again and I almost resembled a ghost.

I am running on RAW for my photo setting. They say its the optimal profile for photo especially in terms of editing to compensate whatever inadequacies there were during the take. So with my almost full memory, I was only provided with 15 shots to work on my Day 1. And yes, as impatient as I am, when I reviewed the photos I easily succumb to the ever slacker in me, "ok na yan."

So here it is my personal take on what my portrait should be. Again, to 'compensate' for the grainy texture let me put on some 'deeper meaning of life.' I want to claim that I am a fan of introspection and on this portrait of I see some meanings beyond what the eyes can see. I will not be disclosing much of myself yet on this page, but hopefully, as I progress in this challenge I will get to know more of myself and be able to transcend it in visuals.

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