
By obiwanjacobi


Hello my fellow bliptonians! This is my very first blip and I would like to say that I'm happy to be here!

This is a skull pillow that was won for me by my neighbor and new close friend Leslie. Leslie shares my love of skulls and gave this to me a few days ago. This is an absolutely amazing gift and I will be adding it to my collection of things with skulls on them.

Had a good workout today, did back and tris. Tomorrow's going to be ham and delts, I always look forward to ham and delt day because 1. My anterior humeral circumflex artery pops out nicely and 2. I love saying the word deadlift in a dramatic voice like that guy who announces every single action movie. :) Also, my aunt Melinda is in town and I'm looking forward to meeting her for dinner tomorrow! Goodnight bliptonites! I leave you with an inspirational quote:

"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."
-Barney Stinson

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