The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Hello, Dali

Youngest daughter G is in art camp this week - and the theme is something like "Fantasy and the Imagination".

Today they mixed it up and made collages after looking at slides of artwork by the surrealists.

I love the cat next to the giant soda bottle, and the panda whooping it up on the roof of the car. (And is that a doggy in a washtub out on the lake?)

* * *

On a different note--- I hope readers/blippers out there remember to visit me and my poem-a-day project (still going strong since November 20, 2010) on Dave Bonta's Via Negativa site.

Here is a link to my poem yesterday, "Unending Lyric".
Can you figure out what kind of form-fun I had writing it?

Drop a note at the site, say hello; look at all the other cool stuff that Dave posts there on poetry, writing, art, and culture in general.

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