
By burnergirl36

Unplanned 5am start

Woke up at 5am this morning, heard Jack come plodding upstairs into my bedroom, onto the bed, then panted heavily while changing his position every two seconds. Think there is a bitch in heat somewhere nearby which is sending him a little doolally.

So up I got and off out we went for our walk, came in and painted a wall with damp seal to conceal a damp patch which is getting decorated over this weekend.

Hope it works as the house is being advertised for rent from next week so it needs to look ship shape. I will also have to keep the house ship shape cause i wont have much notice for viewings..... this is harder I thought as I have had to empty the loft, which means the spare room is rammed!!


Michael is getting praise galore in his new job so at least it looks like he will have a job still by the time I get to Dubai.

Wish Jack knew what was going on and why. He will be well looked after at my Mam and Dads but he will think I have just ran off and left him. That's the most stressful thing of all.

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