
Hello, Daily Post here.

This will be the hardest 'blip' text to write, on behalf of my Mum, Grandmama. The last few weeks have seen my father fall ill and unfortunately this week we have found out it's lung cancer. An utter shock given that we thought it was just a trapped nerve or something equally trivial.

The last few days have been the most painful we shall ever endure, and worst times are probably to come, but we'll be as strong as possible and make his final moments - however long they may be - as pleasurable and enjoyable as possible.

He has been, still is, and always will be the best father you could have ever wished for, and in the darkest times I shall think of that and that will make me happy.

My mum thanks all of you who commented on her 365 - she loved reading them and tried to thank each of you individually. Blip will be taking a back seat in her life in the coming weeks and months but she'll still drop in and look at pictures and comment where possible. She loves this online community and I think you will all provide much needed support. She'll be back...

Daily Post

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